
Cravings: Cinnamonnn...

I basically crave cinnamon every day of the year, because it's pretty much one of the world's best inventions. However, exams sometimes do this thing to me and randomly accentuate one of my cravings (like so).

This week, I'm going to redeem myself with the cinnamon buns, but I'm also going to incorporate cinnamon into other things. The great thing is that cinnamon, like mushrooms, tastes awesome with practically anything. I wonder if they taste good together...

I always find it handy to keep a little tupperware container of 2 Tbsp sugar and 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon in the lazy Susan. That way, it's easily accessible if you just need a pinch of it for something like...say, cinnamon toast! I don't like super sweet things, so I literally just use a pinch of it to sprinkle on "margarined" toast for breakfast, along with my half-and-half juice (i.e. 1 part storebought juice to 1 part water because I find storebought beverages to be rather concentrated). Mmm...what a nice way to start a day of crazy. :)

Notice how talented I am at using a toaster. Each piece is gradually more burnt than the other. >>;
Today, Ellen DeGeneres made me aware that there exist such things as "Cinnamon & Sugar" flavoured Pringles...
Apparently, they're limited edition for the holidays, and they also come in "Pumpkin Pie Spice" and "White Chocolate Peppermint"?? (Picture taken from Laughing Squid)
Anyways, I have paper revisions to finish up. Look forward to more cinnamon-inspired musings!


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